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Trust & Certainty

What trust rating should I give?

What does it mean for someone to be 80% trustworthy? In Scitru, trusting someone doesn't mean "I trust someone to know a lot about fixing cars" or "I trust someone to perform open heart surgery on me." Here trust means something a lot more fundamental. Trust is about honesty and integrity. If someone is trustworthy, you can count on what they say. We've made this guide to help you determine where someone should fall between 0% and 100% trustworthy.

100% Trust

You believe that everything this person will ever say is true. You believe this person will only rate people they know are completely honest as 100% trustworthy. This person is also extremely skeptical and doesn't ever unwittingly relay a false fact. This level of trust should be reserved for Deities and Dumbledores. 

90% Trust

You believe almost everything this person will ever say is true. You believe this person will almost always rate people they know are completely honest as 100% trustworthy. This person is also very skeptical and only rarely ever unwittingly relay a false fact. This person is among the most trustworthy and honest people you will ever meet.

80% Trust

70% Trust

60% Trust

50% Trust

40% Trust

30% Trust

20% Trust

10% Trust

The accuracy of what this person says should almost always be called into question. This person is a tiny bit skeptical of what other people say, but typically will repeat things that agree with their worldview, even if they sound preposterous. You wouldn't make any financial decision based on what this person says, but you can't discount them completely.

0% Trust

No statement this person makes brings you any closer to the truth. This person mixes lies in with truths in a way that makes them impossible to disentangle. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Maybe this person is a con artist, or maybe this person lacks skepticism to the point where they pass on information they hear regardless of how true it is.